07 November 2006

Melakan Culture Part 2

"Ethnic Groups In Melaka"

Hello again. Today was a busy day for me. A lot of work in my office but i still writing to my web blog.He..he..he..Here, the story of Melakan Culture continue...

The Indian Groups

The Indians are another important group in Melaka's colourful racial mix. The Indians first came to the Malay Archipelago in the second century, calling it the Survana Dripa, the Golden Peninsula. Most Indians in Melaka are Tamils from South India who had, in early days, mostly inhabited the rubber plantations. However, it is not unusual to see them in various areas of trade including jewellery and fabric shops, whilst some are retail traders, merchants and money-lenders.

The greatest cultural influence was brought over by Southern Indians, leaving a rich and colourful stamp on Malaysian life. Bright silk saris, Tamil movies on television with their formulaic song-and-dance scenes, Indian weekly magazines, and the indomitable prevalence of the Hindu faith that continues to absorb change have all become part of Malaysia.

The Portuguese Groups

The Portuguese community live in Melaka in the Portuguese Settlement which dates to 1920s. They speak Cristao, a dialect of the Portuguese from the 16th and 17th centuries. Situated within the vicinity of this settlement is the Portuguese Square, a square similar to the central square in Lisbon, Portugal. It is most popular for its restaurant, where spicy seafood dishes like fragrantly spiced baked fish wrapped in banana leaves and cold beers are served.

Being a Catholic community, many pictures of saints are hung above the resident's front doors. The Easter and Yuletide festivals are celebrated on a grand scale, and it is common for all members of the family to reunite foe these occasions-even if it means returning to Melaka from abroad. Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday and Good Friday are also celebrated at St. Peter Church.Portuguese ladies so beauty. He..he..he..

Best Regards

Saiful Anuar

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